UKIED National Equality and Awards Conference (Free) 8th July 2016
ON: June 07, 2016

IN: News
Comments: 94

The Annual UKIED Equality And Awards Conference is a free (subject to conditions) specialist equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) conference which includes: Key note speakers such as Dr Omar Khan, Director of the Runnymede Trust Kate Green MP, Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities, 3 specialist EDI workshops, Exhibitions and plenty of networking opportunities. The conference is free to attend for delegates who work in the public or charity sector (maximum of 2 places per organisation if booked before the 4th June and is subject to availability) and is only £199 + VAT (50% discount) for delegates coming from the commercial sector when booked before the 4th June. This year’s conference is being sponsored by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. If you would like to find out further information or would like to exhibit at this event, contact Melissa at

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